Clinton Valley Elementary

Title I Parent~Student~School Compact

This compact outlines how the entire school staff, the parents, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student achievement, and the ways the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve.

Parents Pledge:  I will…

Attend Parent/Teacher conferences
Participate in discussions relating to the education of my child
Let the teacher know if my child is having any problems in school
Regularly use academic materials the school sends home to help my child
Make it a priority to try and read to/with my child 20 minutes every day
Keep handy any information that will help me support my child’s current learning topics
Use learning games provided by the Title I grant program, and other educational games, weekly and regularly
Monitor and limit the amount of time spent watching TV, etc.
Ensure that my child’s homework is completed and returned to school when it is due

Students Pledge:  I will…

Let my teacher and family know if I need help
Be at school on time each day, unless I am sick
Read on my own and with my family every day
Use the materials my teacher sends home
Write down assignments, do my homework every day, and turn it in when it’s due
Bring home all notes, newsletters, and information I receive from my school

School Pledge:  We will…

Provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a safe, supportive and effective learning environment
Create a partnership with every family in the school
Monitor students and update parents through telephone, email, progress reports, report cards and Parent/Teacher conferences
Ensure all students get help as soon as the need is identified
Provide appropriate learning materials for use in the home
Explain teaching approaches, expectations, and grading systems to students and their families
Master our instructional support strategies so that all children can successfully achieve the State of Michigan’s high standards
Assign work that is relevant and interesting
Make sure students understand the assignment and what they will learn from it
Offer reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s classroom and observe classroom activities